Module 6#


Seaborn is built on top of matplotlib and is a well-known Python library for data visualization that offers a user-friendly interface for producing informative statistical graphics. It is designed to work with pandas dataframes, making it easy to visualize and explore data quickly and effectively. Although matplotlib is very flexible and customizable for creating plots, it does require a lot of code to make more basic plots with little customizations. When exploratory data analysis is the main goal, requiring many quickly drawn plots without much emphasis on the aesthetics, the library seaborn is a great option.

The difference between matplotlib and seaborn and the need for both is illustrated by the following statement:
If matplotlib tried to make easy things easy and hard things possible, seaborn tried to make a well-defined set of hard things easy too

Before we get started with this module, in case you have not installed Seaborn, you can do so by running pip install seaborn on your terminal.



