A few of my tries at software development:

  • CipherX - A python package for simple encryption and decryption. This is not meant for hardcore security and includes just basic traditional ciphers that can be used by hobbyists and people starting out in cryptography and analysis.

Here are some of the fun projects that I managed to host using GitHub Pages:

  • Pictionary Word Generator - Generates a random word from a predefined list of words without repeating words. Displays the word meaning in the webpage. I’m currently working on making this a bit more beautiful and improve functionality by adding in more lists from online. (Have to learn more CSS and Javascript)

  • Basic Tetris - Second try at CSS and Javascript. A simple game of Tetris. The game features standard Tetris rotations and 7 Tetromino shapes. Currently working on improving the UI design of the page. Suggest me something!

  • Chess - A game of chess that you can play with someone (or vs my simple AI) on your browser. There is a feature of simulating a game of chess where two bots are pit against each other and they play random moves. The AI is implemented using Javascript and uses the Minimax algorithm (with alpha beta pruning) to help with the search.

Check out my pens and other short web demos on Codepen.io:

  • Image Hover Reveal Effect - I’ve mostly used simple hover effects in my websites and projects, so I thought let’s try my hand at something different. This is my (improved) implementation of the split image effect design by JacksonTsai. I noticed that Jackson’s version is not responsive (the image starts breaking at different screen sizes), so, I’ve made my version responsive and added an extra overlay layer.

  • Gmail Compose New - An attempt to build a clone for the Gmail Compose popup window. I’ve always wanted to try making a popup window and what’s better than copying the most successful software company? :wink:

  • Neumorphic Login - My take at a simple neumorphic login page design. Still needs a lot of work I guess.

  • Binary Calculator - A Binary Calculator using Javascript. Hope one day a cyborg/android would use it (coz humans ain’t that good with binary). P.S. I know cyborgs and androids don’t need it though. But anyways.

  • Beating heart - A pure CSS animation of a beating heart.

  • Ball and Fade - Another pure CSS animation of two balls moving and fading on the screen.

More coming soon!