The Best Thing on Chrome
Honestly. this is a surprise. While browsing I found this functionality of chrome all of a sudden. This is not really a question that I had been looking to answer. But now that I have the answer I’m too excited not to write about it. Here goes nothing:
What Is the Best Thing on Chrome?
Okay, so while randomly browsing songs on the internet, I stumbled upon this magic that chrome offers. It’s this little button near the menu option shown below:
It allows one to control music and video (YouTube) from anyother tab. It was such a joy to discover this button that I can’t wait to upload this blogpost! One can even make the video float over anything else on the screen. This lets me watch videos in a small screen on the side while blogging or coding. Really something I wanted to do!
Here are a few photos of the functionality in action:
Yes, the last one is this same blog post! I’m glad I can enjoy these small joys of life. Note, this is not a technical review of chrome, but a rather good functionality that I personally find pleasant.
What do you find interesting in you day to day browsing experience?