less than 1 minute read

This past week I have been up to no good. Most of the day I had been watching Breaking Bad. I finished the series in about 7 days. This is probably the first series that I watched without skipping or fast forwarding. All the time I had been wondering why I hadn’t watched it earlier.
The whole series revolves around a high school chemistry teacher who starts making drugs after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. The whole series revolves around this man (Walter H. White). The story takes a dark turn towards the end and it is so believable and fantastic. All the details are just so perfectly thought out. I’ve decided two things, (a) I will write what I felt about two of the characters (White and Jesse) and their transformations (character development) (b) I will make a poster of Walter for my room.

I’ll update the character analysis here on my blog and let me just get started on the poster ASAP!
