1 minute read

As many of you know, this blog is hosted on GitHub and I use Atom to update the repository with new posts to “blog.”
It makes things easy for me as I don’t have to login to a separate platform or host a separate website of my own to blog. I don’t really like platforms such as wordpress, mostly because I’m not in full control of everything that goes on in the website. Here the case is different.

I gained full control of how my website looks, works, and updates (everything except the domain I guess, but that’s okay for me). The most important thing is the website is completely ad free and fully SEO update. But, as is the case with almost everything in life, this decision too was a bittersweet one.

The problem I faced was, I was unable to edit my blog or write any posts if I was unable to access my laptop. Although that happens on a rare occasion, it did happen once while I was in my natives and I couldn’t post for a whole weekend.

But I think that is about to change. A few months back I stumbled upon something called Termux for android. It’s basically a linux terminal for android. I was initially a bit skeptical about it and didn’t think it would be any useful for me.

Overtime, I started writing short python programs on my phone with the help of termux. It was so handy to have a device with me all the time that can be used for actual programming. Yesterday, I installed git on my phone. Today, I cloned my whole repository onto my phone, and voila! Here I am writing this post on my phone. It writes well and I think I will be able to post this on my blog without any problems, but adding images poses a bit of a challenge. Hope to figure it out soon.

This lockdown, I think it would be a good idea for you (if you program often, or are thinking of learning) to install this app and try out things on your phone. Man I’m love this! Until next time.
